(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)





The initial draft of this article was first completed on 7 January 1999 / 19 Ramadan 1419 but it was never published. Now more than a year and a half later it has been rewritten and it is now presented here. Allah is the one who sets the timetable. We are all under the command of our Rabb.

So my friends, let us begin with the Name of Allah. Al Hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen. All Praise is for Allah the Rabb (Lord) of the worlds. Peace and Blessings on His Beloved, Our Nabee Muhammad .

Since I started writing about the Arabic letters with the letter Meem () Part 1 being the first article, it is only right that I finish on the letter Meem (). Since everything in this world is a circle, we must also complete the circle of the Arabic letters with the letter Meem (). Since the word Islam ends with the letter Meem () we must complete with the letter Meem (). Since the Seal - Khatam ends with the letter Meem () we must complete with the letter Meem (). Since we are created from water - Maa , we started with the letter Meem (). Since we finish our earthly existence with death - Mawt , we must end with the letter Meem ().



Mawt - Death is a change of state from material world to the spiritual world. Mawt is the end of one journey and the beginning of another. There is a Chinese proverb 'Every journey begins with one step'. Mawt is that first step of the next journey. The new state can be Jannat or Jahannum , heaven or hell. That new state is a result of our belief and works in this world. If our belief is sound and we conduct our life on the path of Islam, the right path, the Siratul Mustaqeem, then the Meezan - with a Meem (), that is, the Balance will weigh in our favour. If the life in this world is based on hypocrisy, and disbelief, the Meezan will weigh against us. How do we tip the Meezan in our favour, with Allah's help? We must learn some good. Where do we learn? We learn at school. As it was stated in one of the previous articles, this life is a place of learning. This life is the school of learning. We must learn some goodness. And what is a school in Arabic? It is a Madrasah with a Meem ()!


45 And Allah has created every animal from water: of them there are some that creep on their bellies; some that walk on two legs; and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills: Allah has power over all things.

[Quran: An Noor Chapter 24]

From the time we are created from water - Maa to the time of death - Mawt, we all go through the process of learning. We either go to a Madrasah to learn or even if we have never attended a school, life itself is a Madrasah or a school. As we have already seen in a previous article, that the letter Meem when pronounced is the word MEEM . In the word MEEM we have the letter Meem either side and the letter Ya () in the middle. Therefore, from the time of creation to the time of annihilation knowledge is a requirement. Since the letter Ya () represents knowledge, our function on earth is to seek knowledge from cradle to grave. Life in general is one long learning process. Life is a school or Madrasah. Knowledge is not only contained in the Quran but it is found in everything that Allah has created. The Quran is the guidance to understanding this knowledge. Everything that Allah has created has a purpose. Every visible thing has an analogy in the hidden world. Allah confirms this in the Quran.

Remember when Musa () went to school? Which Madrasah did Musa () attend? Majmaa al Bahrain - The Meeting Point or the Junction of the two rivers. Where is that meeting point? The word Majmaa is the word Jamaa To Add. Add what? Add a Meem () to achieve Majmaa .

Now if we look at the word Majmaa we find that instead of Meem () Ya () Meem (),

we have Meem () Jeem () Meem () followed by Ayn ().

That is, in the place of the letter of knowledge () we have the letter Jeem (). Why? Because Musa () went to seek knowledge. In case it has slipped the readers mind, the name Musa () also starts with the letter Meem ().

In his quest for knowledge (), how many lessons did Musa () receive? It was three (= 3). During the three lessons, Musa () became impatient. He lacked patience, and patience in Arabic is Sabr which starts with the letter Saad (). In the Asma ul Husna the Attribute As Saboor is the 99th Attribute in the 99 Names of Allah. That is Sabr is the final lesson for us.

That is Meem (= 40) + Ya (= 10) + Meem (= 40) = Saad (= 90).

When the explanation was given by Khidr (), the mystery of the lessons became clear or visible or Ayn ().

If we look at the numerical value of the for the word Majmaa we get:

Meem () + Jeem () + Meem () + Ayn () = 40 + 3 + 40 + 70 = 153

The connection between the words MEEM and Majmaa is the number 9 for completion.

Meem Ya Meem = 90 = 9 + 0 = 9

Meem Jeem Meem Ayn = 153 = 1 + 5 + 3 = 9



Similarly the word MEEM (), is the place of meeting of the student and the teacher. The Mureed or student is at the first Meem () and the Murshid or teacher is at the second Meem (). What separates these two Meems or the Mureed (first Meem) and the Murshid (second Meem)? It is the letter Ya (). The separation between the student and the teacher is knowledge (). The first one is seeking knowledge while the second one has already attained knowledge. The interesting point is that both the student and the teacher are at Meem (). One wants to learn about Meem () and the other knows something about Meem ().

But why do we need to seek spiritual knowledge? Because Allah tells us to do so:

29 A Scripture that We have revealed to you, full of blessing, that they may ponder its revelations, and that those possessed of understanding may reflect.

[Quran: Saad Chapter 38]

Notice the Chapter Name in the above reference. It is called Saad ()!

We have already come across the letter Saad in the previous section. We could say that the letter Saad () is the 'zipped up' version of the word MEEM .

Before we move on to the next section let us look at something interesting.

Allah's Rasool performed the Tawaf (around the Kaaba while riding his camel, and every time he reached the corner (of the Black Stone) he pointed at it with his hand and said, "Allahu Akbar." (Zainab said: The Prophet said, "An opening has been made in the wall of Jooj and Majooj like this and this," forming the number 90 (with his thumb and index finger).

[Sahih Bukhari]

For those who say Abjad numerology is not part of Islam, can they explain what is meant by the highlighted part of the Hadees above? How does one form the number 90 with just the thumb and index finger. Not with the 'fingers'. Not with the 'hands'. Only with one thumb and one index finger. Could the answer be 90 = Saad ?

31 And He taught Adam all the names, then showed them to the angels, saying: Inform me of the names of these, if you are truthful.

[Quran: Al Baqara Chapter 2]

Notice the last word in the above reference - Saadiqeen - Truthful. Do you see a letter in the word Saadiqeen that can be formed with a thumb and index finger that looks like an opening in a wall? Answer TRUTHFULLY !

The narrators of the above Hadees knew the Abjad numerical value of the Arabic letters. Imam Bukhari () understood the '90' and therefore no effort was made to explain this mystical '90'. He must have assumed all learned people knew what it meant, therefore an explanation was not necessary.

Why do todays 'learned' scholars and Imams deny that the Abjad numerology is part of Islam? And talking about Imams...


An Imam is a religious scholar. An Imam is the most learned scholar of Quran and Hadees in his community. An Imam is one who has double Alif () and double Meem () in his title IMAM . The duty of an Imam is not to be taken lightly. On the one side, the Imam is a representative of Allah and His Rasool Muhammad to the community. On the other side, an Imam is a representative of his community in front of Allah and His Rasool Muhammad . Therefore an Imam is one who stands on a double edged sword. He cannot and must not let down either side. If he lets down either side, he will be ruined.

Allah's Rasool said, "We are the last but will be the foremost to enter Paradise." Rasool Allah added, "He who obeys me, obeys Allah, and he who disobeys me, disobeys Allah. He who obeys the chief, obeys me, and he who disobeys the chief, disobeys me. The Imam is like a shelter for whose safety the Muslims should fight and where they should seek protection. If the Imam orders people with righteousness and rules justly, then he will be rewarded for that, and if he does the opposite, he will be responsible for that."

[Sahih Bukhari]



Since we are talking about Alif, Meem, Alif, Meem, or Double Alif () and double Meem (). What does single Alif and single Meem stand for? It stands for Zakat - Charity. In the Hadees there is an explanation of how to work out Zakat. Most of the calculations are based on camels and sheep. In this day and age, not many people own camels and sheep. So, for the majority of the Muslims the calculation is as follows:

.....And if somebody has got less than forty sheep, no Zakat is required, but if he wants to give, he can. For silver the Zakat is one-fortieth of the lot (i.e. 2.5%), and if its value is less than two-hundred Dirhams, Zakat is not required, but if the owner wants to pay he can.

[Sahih Bukhari]

Almost everyone is in contact with money or 'silver'. For the latter there is a clear cut formula in the above Hadees. Zakat is One Fortieth.

Which is the same as 1 OVER 40. Or, the same as Alif () over Meem (). Or to say it in yet another way, Allah's blessings on Muhammad and his community.

Whatever we give in the Name of Allah in this world, Allah gives us the same thing, 10 () times in this world. The question then arises: If Allah returns our charity 10 times in this world, then what can we expect in the next world? The answer is: Allah will also reward us a further 40 times in the next world in whatever 'currency' Allah wishes. How can that be?

Mawlana Abul Noor Mohammad Bashir has stated in one his books: In the Quran, whenever there is a mention of Salah, Zakat is mentioned right next to it. The reason being that Salah is necessary to keep the body and garments clean and pure. That is the outer purification. Zakat is purification of your wealth. Zakat is necessary to keep the heart and mind pure by eating halaal food from halaal money. That is the inner purification.

Now let us clarify the above. If Salah and Zakat are related as shown in the Quran, then so is the reward for these two good deeds. Since Allah asked for 50 prayers per day and agreed on 5 prayers per day, Allah will still reward the Muslims with 50 prayers per day. Similarly Charity is rewarded 10 times in this world and 40 times reward is put aside for the next world. That makes the reward for Zakat also equal to 50.

There is one more Alif () and Meem () that needs to be covered.



Towards the end of last century and Millennium, the Muslims have been persecuted in many different countries. Some of it has been self inflicted out of greed. Like the Iran and Iraq war. While on other occasions it has been due to outside influences. Allah has been testing the faith of the Muslims. Every time, the Muslims have looked towards America for help. Whether it is military or monetary aid.

There is a very important lesson in this. Both the words Military and Monetary have the letter Meem () while the word Aid has the letter Alif (). Even the name America has the letters Alif ()and Meem () in it. The Muslims have got confused. They are subconsciously aware that they need to look for the Alif () and Meem (). They need to turn towards Alif and Meem. They need to ask Allah and His Rasool Muhammad for assistance. Instead they ask America for Military and Monetary Aid. These are the same people who say that the Arabic letters have no meaning. They say Alif Laam Meem either have no meaning or only Allah knows what they mean. Yet they themselves are unaware how they are being manipulated by Shaytan to leave Allah and Muhammad and look for assistance from America. The secret is in the sound of the letters.

Now let us finish with a double Meem for Millennium.



The word Millennium starts with the letter 'M' for Meem () and finishes with the letter 'M' for Meem () ! In other words, there are two Meems or 'M's in the word Millennium. We are in the year 2000 AD. For those who will say that it is the Christian year 2000, then the question arises: Who created Isa () in the first place, and sent him as Messenger?

116 They say: "Allah has begotten a son"; Glory be to Him. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth; everything renders worship to Him.

[Quran: Al Baqara Chapter 2]

For those who will say that the year 2000 is based on the solar calendar, then the question arises: Who created the sun?

13 He merges Night into Day and He merges Day into Night and He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His Law): each one runs its course for a term appointed. Such is Allah your Rabb (Lord): to Him belongs all Dominion. And those whom you invoke besides Him have not the least power.

[Quran: Al Fatir Chapter 35]

For those who will say that the word 'Millennium' is not an Arabic word, then the question arises: Who taught Adam all the names?

31 And He taught Adam the nature of all things; then He placed them before the angels and said: "Tell Me the nature of these if you are truthful."

[Quran: Al Baqara Chapter 2]

There is a lesson in what has just been mentioned for those who can think.

Even in other languages Allah is reminding the Muslims to wake up. The word Millennium is a reminder from Allah for the Muslims to once again understand the true faith and meaning of Islam. Allah even impels the non-Muslims to use words that are relevant to the Muslims. So why do the Muslims fail to 'see' the signs, reminders and warnings from Allah?

May Allah awaken the Muslims and make them a shining example to the rest of humanity. Ameen.

Only Allah Knows Best!

Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions.

9 June 2000 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6 Rabi Al Awwal 1421

Khalid M. Malik Ghouri